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6 Ways to Advertise Your Blog

Meet 6 fantastic ways to advertise your blog

Advertise Your Blog

If you’ve recently started a blog and are planning to create some quality content, great!
Blogs are a great way to direct people towards your products and services. If you’re an affiliate marketer, you can even make money off of your blog. Hustlelife has some great articles on affiliate marketing. 

Simply having a blog isn’t enough, however. Your next challenge is going to be generating traffic for your blog. After all, you can’t just throw up a few posts and expect people to find you. Blogs that are optimized for web searches will receive plenty of traffic, but you should also plan to advertise your blog so that you can reach a wide audience. 

Here are 6 ways you can advertise your new blog.

Guest blogging

Guest blogging is when you reach out to other blogs and offer to write posts for them. While it does take time away from your own blog, guest blogging is worth it. When you write for other blogs that have an existing following, you help establish yourself within your industry. Most of the time, other blogs will allow you to link to your own site within the post or will allow you to have an author’s bio that links to your site. This allows readers who like your content on the guest blog to follow you on your own blog. If someone comments on your guest post, make sure to write back to them!

Share on social media

If you’re already using Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, you probably already have an existing following. Encourage those followers to check out your blog! Whenever you write a new post, immediately share it on all your social media platforms. Write a different message for each platform, include a link to the post, and include a captivating photo. 

It is also okay to share a post more than once. A few days after you originally shared about the blog post, share it again. This will allow followers that missed it the first time it was shared to see it. If you have a blog post that is performing particularly well, share it again! Make sure to check out your analytics on your blog and on your social media to see how posts are performing.

Mention influencers in your posts

If you’re aware of others within your industry that are influencers, find a way to incorporate their ideas into your posts. Don’t forget to give them credit. After you’ve posted, reach out to the influencer to thank them for their ideas and let them know how they’ve inspired you. Make sure to include a link to your post. Sometimes, an influencer will reshare your posts with their followers. Their followers will then check out your blog and could potentially become your followers as well.

Send out a newsletter

If you’re not already using an e-newsletter, consider creating one. This is a great way to deliver content to the inboxes of your followers. If they’re already regularly purchasing your products or services, e-newsletters regularly remind them of what you have to offer. You can also casually slip in links to your blog. If you have a great blog post you think your followers would like, link to it from within your e-newsletter and encourage your followers to check it out.

Add a link to your email signature

This form of advertising isn’t as direct as some of the other ways mentioned above, but including a link to your blog within your email signature is a good way to continue advertising your blog. Some people even include links to direct blog posts within their signature. This is a simple way to advertise your blog. It might not generate as much traffic as some of the other methods, but you never know when your link might catch someone’s eye.

Don’t do it alone

There is no reason for you to do all the advertising yourself! Enable social sharing on your posts so that your followers can share your posts on their social media platforms. Social sharing is a great way to increase your followers since existing followers can promote your content to their family and friends.


Blogs can be a great way to direct additional traffic to your site and can also allow you to earn additional money. The best way to drive traffic to your blog is to make sure it is optimized for web searches, but there are other ways to advertise your blog to generate a following. Make sure to continue producing great quality content so that your followers keep coming back!


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